Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natural Lifestyle

Whether in China, Asia to the Middle East, eastern tradition is still gripped tightly by the community. Their way of life close to nature capable of tapping the public's curiosity of the western world for more in studying the roots of eastern culture. Through the use of "tools" provided by nature, such as drug-pobatan from plants Attai "brushed" directly with alamsebagai mental treatment or therapy, make people more critical towards the west-effects negative effects of technological progress. Especially that obviously damage the environment.

Actually, to launch a natural lifestyle that makes us more healthy, fit, always excited and expected a long life, the bias in a way that we do as simple as possible. Through our own environment first. Environment that is closer to our everyday lives. From yourself, for example. Then home, to propagate sekiatar environment. Back kealam also become a new lifestyle trend.

Here are some efforts to "small" that might bias we do in our daily life in order to achieve a more natural lifestyle and close to nature.

1. When building a house, try more natural style or kebun.yang house complete with garden fruits and vegetables around it.

Not just planted, the crop can we consume. And coconut trees that were old enough to be used as home furnishings. To create a more natural plant nutrients, can be doused with water used washing rice, fish or vegetables, and only given to avoid the use of manure fertilizers.

2.Choosing the natural and healthy diet is also balanced. Expand to eat fruit and vegetables, especially organic. Those who can avoid the meat-dagungan, bias trying to become vegetarian.

3. Started trying to apply to all aspects of environmentally friendly living life.Misalnya not buy food process, avoid junk food, choosing vegetables, tempeh, tofu, rather than processed meat, and choosing instead of broiler chicken.

Many people think that way of living like this is very cumbersome and unrealistic. However they choose to live close to nature does not need to complicate ourselves. So we too should not have to conduct imposed. Haris do things with a sense of happiness, meaning to be able to generate energy that gets people involved in these activities also follow-up happy and if we feel happy, then the soul we too become much more healthy.

"When someone is able to think rationally, then it will pick back to the nature and live more simply and happily ever after."